
Showing 33-40 of 65 books
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La verdad

La verdad

by Tanya Lloyd Kyi
tagged : law & crime, mysteries & detective stories, violence
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Fue un hombre pelirrojo tirado en el suelo del cuarto de los padres de lan, con un brazo en alto como si se hubiera caído de la cama. Tenía el brazo torcido y la parte de atrás de la cabeza ensangrentada.

"Respira," me digo a mí misma mientras tamborileo con las uñas en la mesa del comedor. "No pienses en eso. Si te pones a recordarlo, el oficial Wells se puede dar cuenta. Él no sabe nada y no te ha venido a buscar a tí." Hago que mis dedos paren.

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by Diane Tullson
tagged : loners & outcasts, law & crime, violence
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It's like the entire school floods into the stairwell. People pound down the stairs toward us. Their voices clamor, frightened voices. They push and shove toward the blocked exit door, trying to escape the school.
Like fish in a bucket, that's what we are. My mouth goes dry. A locked stairwell seems like a good place to kill a lot of people at one time. I grab Zoe's hand.
"Come on. We have to go back up."


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Mayan Murder

Mayan Murder

by Martha Brack Martin
also available: eBook
tagged : thrillers & suspense, drugs, alcohol, substance abuse, violence
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