Careers, Occupations, Internships

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Los Pandemónium

Los Pandemónium

by Lesley Choyce
tagged : music, values & virtues, careers, occupations, internships
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Tocamos por diez minutos, sin saltamos ni una nota. La voz de Al apenas se oía, mientras Drek y yo hacíamos las segundas voces, y creo que el micrófono estaba apagado. Al final, terminé con un acorde improvisado y largo en la guitarra. Y ¿saben qué? me salió super bien. Sonó mejor que nunca.
Era como si la guitarra y mis dedos hubieran estado haciendo todo el trabajo mientras yo observaba desde afuera. Mis dedos se movían como pólvora. Las luces creaban una sensación mágica en todo el lugar. Llegamos al punto más alto y justo como lo teníamos practicado, paramos la música de pronto, de forma perfecta.

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Sleight of Hand

Sleight of Hand

Orca Soundings
by Natasha Deen
tagged : law & crime, bullying, careers, occupations, internships
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The Justice Project

The Justice Project

by Michael Betcherman
tagged : careers, occupations, internships, diseases, illnesses & injuries, law & crime
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Orca Soundings
by Lesley Choyce
tagged : music, careers, occupations, internships, values & virtues
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We played for ten minutes and drove home every last note. Al sang a barely audible lead and Drek and I tried to do backup vocals, but I don't think our mikes were even on. Toward the end, though, I had a long, crazy riff to play on my guitar. And you know what? It sounded good. It sounded better than I had ever played.
It was like my guitar and my fingers were doing all the work. I just stood there and watched. My fingers danced like fireworks. The lights sent mirror blasts of magic to the four corners of the room. And when I cranked the heat up to the absolute boiling point, we cut the song. Right on cue. Just like in practice.

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