Chill's foot dragged behind him like a murder victim being taken to a shallow grave by a killer too weak to do the job—but he still stood straighter than any other kid in school.
Ralph dejó de mirarme y fijó la vista en otro chico.
—¿Qué crees, Scott... le damos un siete?
Scott me miró de arriba a abajo.
—¿Un siete? A lo mejor.
—En su mejor día, quizás —dijo otro chico.
—Ah, ¿en un buen día como el viernes?
—¿Cómo el viernes pasado? —completó Ralph.
Todos se echaron a reír otra vez.
—Todos ustedes son unos cerdos. —les dije.
I was happier than I had been for a long time.
Everything was crashing down around Dana. Finally I was getting some justice. But I wanted a bigger
helping, this wasn't enough. I had to do something.
I went into the washroom and dug a marker out of my pencil case. I drew a box and a couple of circles with lines for a flash going off on the outer wall of the first cubicle. No one would be able to miss it. It didn't look exactly like a camera, but it would do. And for the finishing touch I wrote SMILE DANA, with a happy face right beside it.