General (see Also Headings Under Family)

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by Alex Van Tol, read by Arielle Lipshaw
also available: Paperback eBook
tagged : survival stories, law & crime, general (see also headings under family)
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Suddenly my outrage dissolves, replaced by cold fear. It sticks in my throat. Darren takes a step toward me. I jump back, but he grabs my wrist and yanks me around, twisting my arm behind my back. Pain explodes in a series of flashing white and red lights. My body locks up with agony as my shoulder rotates toward the outer edge of its range of motion. I scream. What the hell is going on? How can this be happening to me?

I’ve never heard myself scream before. Not like this.

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Life Cycle of a Lie

by Sylvia Olsen
tagged : general (see also headings under family)
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Un trabajo sin futuro

Un trabajo sin futuro

(Dead End Job)
by Vicki Grant
tagged : survival stories, law & crime, general (see also headings under family)
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Corrí sin mirar para atrás hasta la tienda, resbalando con los zapatos llenos de grasa, derribando latas de comida, golpeándome contra los estantes. Me lancé hacia el teléfono. Levanté el auricular. Podía sentir a Devin detrás de mí
Empecé a marcar nueve, uno...
Colgó el teléfono de un manotazo.
—Tenía la esperanza de no tener que llegar a este punto.

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