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by Colin Frizzell
also available: Paperback Hardcover
tagged : bullying, art
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Chill's foot dragged behind him like a murder victim being taken to a shallow grave by a killer too weak to do the job—but he still stood straighter than any other kid in school.

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El plan de Zee

El plan de Zee

(Zee's Way)
by Kristin Butcher
also available: eBook
tagged : prejudice & racism, art, law & crime
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Corrí a la acera y comencé a meterlo todo en la mochila. Bueno, traté. Los tubos de pintura se me escurrían entre los dedos, los pinceles se trababan en los huencos de la acera y la botella de agua se alejó rodando.
—¡Qué porquería! —dije, tratando de alcanzarla.
Fue en ese momento que me di cuenta de que alguien estaba parado al final de la pared. Levanté la vista. Tragué en seco. Era un hombre con un bate de pelota en la mano.
—Pensé que te iba a encontrar aquí esta noche —me dijo.

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by Eric Walters
tagged : art, politics & government, values & virtues
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I was going to kill Oswald when I found him. What was he up to?

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The Hemingway Tradition

The Hemingway Tradition

by Kristin Butcher
also available: eBook
tagged : suicide, art, parents
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We had the top down on our old Le Baron and the sun was beating from a sky that was nothing but blue. It was my mom's turn to drive, so I was stretched out in the passenger seat, watching Saskatchewan slide by, thinking there must be a couple dozen different ways for a guy to kill himself.

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