Action & Adventure

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Un trabajo sin futuro

Un trabajo sin futuro

(Dead End Job)
by Vicki Grant
tagged : survival stories, law & crime, general (see also headings under family)
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Corrí sin mirar para atrás hasta la tienda, resbalando con los zapatos llenos de grasa, derribando latas de comida, golpeándome contra los estantes. Me lancé hacia el teléfono. Levanté el auricular. Podía sentir a Devin detrás de mí
Empecé a marcar nueve, uno...
Colgó el teléfono de un manotazo.
—Tenía la esperanza de no tener que llegar a este punto.

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Warden of Greyrock

Warden of Greyrock

The Warlocks of Talverdin, Book 3
by K.V. Johansen
tagged : prejudice & racism
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"It was a nightmare," Robin said. "A—a vision, Your Highness. There was a man drowning in clouds...when I touched him, I saw things, things he'd seen, things he knew."
"What things?" I asked.
Robin took a deep breath. "They've taken the baroness."
"Who? Where?"
"Enemies," she said simply. "He didn't know where. There was a dead woman..."

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Wave Warrior

Wave Warrior

by Lesley Choyce
tagged : water sports, self-esteem & self-reliance
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My mouth was open. I know that because when I did the face-plant into the bottom of the wave, I was gargling salt water, thinking that maybe I was about to die. The wave drove me deep into the water. I flapped my arms around, thinking that going back up to the surface was a good idea.
But it wasn't. At least not then.
I surfaced just in time to open my eyes and see my airborne surfboard eclipsing the morning sun. And aimed straight for my head. Wham.

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