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Journal of a Country Lawyer

Journal of a Country Lawyer

Crime, Sin and Damn Good Fun
by E.C. Burton
0 ratings
tagged : lawyers & judges, personal memoirs
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Hazardous Pursuit

Hazardous Pursuit

by Bruce Strachan
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On Christmas Eve 1993, after a high-speed chase over icy winter roads, an RCMP officer shot a member of the Lillooet Nation. What led up to this tragedy? Could it have been prevented? And was justice done? After eighteen months of research, Bruce Strachan has written a gripping account that asks new questions about the often strained relationship b …

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There'll Be Another

There'll Be Another

by David W. McFadden
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tagged : canadian

There’ll Be Another delivers on the promise of the title: It is actually three books of poems in one, each offering the reader the unique new opening of an entirely different language.

The first, Heavy-Hearted in Havana, is made up of a series of poems written during McFadden’s sojourn in Cuba in the spring of 1994. His observations on the decay …

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Doctor Thomas Neill Cream

Doctor Thomas Neill Cream

(Mystery at McGill)
by David Fennario
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tagged : canadian, serial killers, historical

In 1876, Jack the Ripper, otherwise known as Canadian Doctor Thomas Neill Cream, graduated with merit from McGill’s faculty of medicine. Cream was a backstreet abortionist and managed an exclusive brothel called The Elite Club. His notorious reputation eventually forced him to flee Canada for London. He was hanged in 1892 for the murder of four …

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The Death of Albert Johnson

The Death of Albert Johnson

Mad Trapper of Rat River
by F.W. Anderson & Art Downs
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Albert Johnson was a loner, a deadly shot, who in 1932 triggered a gruelling manhunt that has become an Arctic legend. For over six weeks, amid blizzards and numbing cold, he eluded a posse of trappers, First Nations and RCMP, who for the very first time used a two-way radio and an airplane in their search.


Johnson was involved in four shoot-outs, …

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The Trial of Judith K.

The Trial of Judith K.

by Sally Clark
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tagged : canadian, adaptations & pastiche, black humor

Roughly based on The Trial by Franz Kafka, this black comedy changes the lead character to a modern business woman who finds herself accused of an unknown crime. The more she delves into the bureaucratic nightmare the more her ordered, little world unravels and the more she is entangled in the increasingly obscure process.

Cast of 3 women and 4 men.

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The Fairies Are Thirsty

The Fairies Are Thirsty

by Denise Boucher, translated by Alan Brown
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tagged : canadian, women authors, contemporary women

According to the 19th-century historian Michelet, “Les fées” were women who would rather sing than pray. For this crime, they were punished by being imprisoned in containers that would be opened only at the end of time. In Les fées ont soif (The Fairies Are Thirsty) Denise Bocher takes this image and focuses on it. The Fairies Are Thirsty is …

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The Execution

The Execution

by Marie-Claire Blais, translated by David Lobdell
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tagged : canadian

The Execution is Marie-Claire Blais’s only play for the stage. Set in a boarding school, it tells the story of two schoolboys who plot the murder of one of their classmates and enact the crime. As a play, it is a study of innocence, evil and complicity, themes well-known to readers of Blais’s fiction.

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