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Frigates and Foremasts

Frigates and Foremasts

The North American Squadron in Nova Scotia Waters 1745-1815
by Julian Gwyn
also available: Paperback Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : canada, naval, pre-confederation (to 1867), non-classifiable

The first comprehensive study of naval operations involving North American squadrons in Nova Scotia waters, Frigates and Foremasts offers a masterful analysis of the motives behind the deployment of Royal Navy vessels between 1745 and 1815, and the navy’s role on the Western Atlantic. Interweaving historical analysis with vivid descriptions of pi …

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Living Rough

Living Rough

by Cristy Watson
also available: Hardcover
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : homelessness & poverty, friendship, non-classifiable

In most ways, Poe is like the other kids in his school.

He thinks about girls and tries to avoid too much contact with teachers. He has a loving father who helps him with his homework. But Poe has a secret, and almost every day some small act threatens to expose him. He doesn't have a phone number to give to friends. He doesn't have an address. Poe …

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Power Chord

Power Chord

by Ted Staunton
also available: Hardcover
1 rating
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : music, values & virtues, non-classifiable

At a Battle of the Bands event, Ace and his best friend Denny notice that girls like musicians, no matter how dorky the dudes might be.

Having, so far, been severely challenged when it comes to meeting girls, they decide to start a band. Ace discovers that he loves playing guitar and electric bass. While Denny tweets their every move and their clean …

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Stuff We All Get

Stuff We All Get

by K.L. Denman
also available: Hardcover
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : music, self-esteem & self-reliance, non-classifiable

Fifteen-year-old Zack finds a home made CD with the word Famous written on it.

Lonely and bored while suspended from school, he puts the CD on and loses himself in the music. Zack has sound-color synesthesia. He sees colors when he hears music, and the music on the Famous CD causes incredible patterns of color for him. Zack becomes obsessed with the …

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Farmed Out

Farmed Out

by Christy Goerzen
also available: Hardcover
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : farm & ranch life, art & architecture, non-classifiable

Maddie has big-city dreams, and this summer she's found her chance to visit New York.

An art magazine is holding a portrait painting contest, and the first prize is an all-expenses-paid trip to the Big Apple. Maddie plans to win, but her mother has different plans for her: a mother-daughter adventure in organic farming. Maddie is furious. How will s …

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by Jeff Ross
1 rating
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : skateboarding, careers, occupations, business, non-classifiable

Casey Finnegan is a talented skateboarder. He lives to skate.

At the end of his final year of high school, Casey is wondering what to do with his life. He hasn't applied to any colleges, and other than skateboarding, he doesn't believe he's very good at much of anything. When a young movie star contacts Casey and offers him the job of stunt double i …

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Taking Medicine

Taking Medicine

Women's Healing Work and Colonial Contact in Southern Alberta, 1880-1930
by Kristin Burnett
also available: Paperback Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : native american studies, post-confederation (1867-), non-classifiable

Hunters, medicine men, and missionaries continue to dominate images and narratives of the West, even though historians have recognized women’s role as colonizer and colonized since the 1980s. Kristin Burnett helps to correct this imbalance by presenting colonial medicine as a gendered phenomenon. Although the imperial eye focused on medicine men, …

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oddball @ large

oddball @ large

by Bill Richardson
0 ratings
tagged : non-classifiable

Bill Richardson's fans will find much to delight them in this collection of the very best of his weekly columns -- until now available only to readers of Vancouver newspapers.

Many of these wry, self-mocking pieces are drawn from his own haphazard encounters with parents, pets, lovers, gal pals, total strangers and intractable objects. Others are sp …

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Gravity Check

Gravity Check

by Alex Van Tol
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : drugs, alcohol, substance abuse, law & crime, non-classifiable

Jamie is determined that nothing—not even his annoyingly popular younger brother Seth—is going to spoil his fun at a mountain biking camp in the backcountry.

Nothing except stumbling on a giant grow-op in the woods, that is. And watching their fellow campers get captured by violent drug dealers. And working with Seth to figure out a way to save …

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The Drop

The Drop

by Jeff Ross
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : survival stories, winter sports, non-classifiable

Alex's goal in life is simple: to snowboard all day, every day.

Alex ultimate dream is to be part of the Backcountry Patrol, an elite group of snowboarders who patrol the ungroomed slopes of British Columbia. But first, he and three other young hopefuls (Dave, Bryce and Hope) must endure a series of tests, which takes them to remote and dangerous te …

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Available Light

Available Light

by Herménégilde Chiasson
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : non-classifiable

A critically acclaimed collection of haunting and unforgettable meditations from one of Acadie's best-loved poets. Moving from playful erudition to melancholy, Chiasson explores essential questions about art and creativity, while at the same time delving into the roots of the Acadian experience. Touching on the lives and work of numerous artists, i …

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Beyond Repair

Beyond Repair

by Lois Peterson
also available: Paperback Hardcover
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : death & dying, thrillers & suspense, non-classifiable

Cam needs to know why the man who killed his father is now stalking his family.

As much as life has changed forever since the death of his father, much has stayed the same for Cam. He's always had a great deal of responsibility around the house, but the burden is heavier now with the load of grief he's been carrying. After the man who was driving th …

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by Sara Cassidy
also available: Hardcover Paperback
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : non-classifiable, activism & social justice, environment

Life is full of challenges for thirteen-year-old Liza.

Liza is already having trouble coping with the death of a local homeless man when she learns that her family's apple tree will need to be chopped down. If that wasn't enough, the new principal at school keeps blocking her attempts for a positive outlet by refusing permission for every project th …

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by Cristy Watson
also available: Hardcover
2 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : peer pressure, law & crime, non-classifiable

When Cody and his friends accept a challenge from a local gang to steal a park bench, their main concern is keeping themselves on the gang's good side.

Cody learns that the stolen bench had been dedicated to the father of the English teacher who sponsors the school newspaper—the paper that Cody has just started writing for—and he's worried about …

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Storm Tide

Storm Tide

by Kari Jones
also available: Hardcover
2 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : mysteries & detective stories, siblings, non-classifiable

Left alone for the first time on the island he calls home, Simon is looking forward to a day of personal indulgence.

Simon's sister Ellen only wants to make sure they get their chores done. Their parents are busy trying to convince the government not to close the lighthouse that the family operates, and it's up to the kids to make sure everything ru …

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Game in the Garden

Game in the Garden

A Human History of Wildlife in Western Canada to 1940
by George Colpitts
also available: Paperback Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : wildlife, post-confederation (1867-), pre-confederation (to 1867), non-classifiable

The shared use of wild animals has helped to determine social relations between Native peoples and newcomers. In later settlement periods, controversy about subsistence hunting and campaigns of local conservation associations drew lines between groups in communities, particularly Native peoples, immigrants, farmers, and urban dwellers. In addition …

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by Kristin Butcher
also available: Hardcover Audiobook Paperback
1 rating
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : peer pressure, school & education, non-classifiable

Laurel, caught up in the thrill of an investigation, is willing to risk her reputation to get the story, but her ultimate discovery changes everything.

Laurel discovers her passion for investigative journalism when she writes an article for her school paper about a person experiencing homelessness who's been living at the school. Eager to write more …

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See No Evil

See No Evil

by Diane Young
also available: Hardcover eBook
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : law & crime, friendship, non-classifiable

When Shawn and Daniel witness a gang beating behind the local mall they flee the scene, terrified that they've been seen.

They recognize one of the attackers as a locally infamous gang member. When they learn that the kid who was attacked is in critical condition, Shawn wants to go to the police, but Daniel convinces him that they are in more danger …

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The Snowball Effect

The Snowball Effect

by Deb Loughead
also available: Hardcover
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : values & virtues, law & crime, non-classifiable

Dylan and his friends snowball cars for entertainment on the weekend.

When they don't get enough reaction from passing cars, they put rocks in the middle of their snowballs. Their first attack with the loaded snowballs causes a car crash. His friends flee, but Dylan goes to the scene of the accident to make sure the driver is okay. He runs off when …

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Fast Slide

Fast Slide

by Melanie Jackson
also available: Hardcover
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : law & crime, friendship, non-classifiable

Clay would much rather work as a lifeguard at the beach than at Safari Splash, the new water park in town.

Clay is certain the summer will drag along, despite his position at the Boa, the park's fastest slide. The summer job starts to get interesting when he learns that someone has been wandering the park in a lynx costume, scaring the staff. When f …

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by Sara Cassidy
also available: Hardcover
1 rating
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : environment, non-classifiable

Liza, determined to prove that her mother's boyfriend is no good, starts researching the oil company he works for.

Liza discovers a lawsuit against the company for compensation that is long overdue to Guatemalan farmers. She starts a group at school called GRRR! (Girls for Renewable Resources, Really!) and launches an attack on Argenta Oil. As her a …

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Fly Away

Fly Away

by Nora Rock
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : mysteries & detective stories, non-classifiable, cheerleading

After a member of her competitive cheerleading team is injured in practice, sixteen-year-old Marnie is asked to be a flyer-the most coveted role in cheerleading.

The Soar Starlings team has a real shot at the provincial championship, and Marnie has only a few weeks to prepare. But as she scrambles to polish her lifts and throws, Marnie's personal li …

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by Rachel Dunstan Muller
also available: eBook
1 rating
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : extreme sports, survival stories, non-classifiable

Byron is psyched when his older brother Jesse invites him on a weekend caving trip—even if it means spending time with Cole, Jesse's obnoxious college roommate.

With Jesse's girlfriend Michelle rounding out the group, Byron is sure the excursion will be a success. Things get tense when they near the cave, only to find that the way in is blocked. B …

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Writing British Columbia History, 1784-1958

Writing British Columbia History, 1784-1958

by Chad Reimer
also available: Paperback Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : post-confederation (1867-), native american studies, expeditions & discoveries, pre-confederation (to 1867), non-classifiable

Captain James Cook first made contact with the area now known as British Columbia in 1778. The colonists who followed soon realized they needed a written history, both to justify their dispossession of Aboriginal peoples and to formulate an identity for a new settler society. Writing British Columbia History traces how Euro-Canadian historians took …

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The Hero and the Historians

The Hero and the Historians

Historiography and the Uses of Jacques Cartier
by Alan Gordon
also available: Paperback Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : post-confederation (1867-), pre-confederation (to 1867), expeditions & discoveries, historiography, non-classifiable

Historians have long engaged in passionate debate about collective memory and national identity. Alan Gordon focuses on one national hero – Jacques Cartier – to explore how notions about the past have been passed from generation to generation in English- and French-speaking Canada and used to present particular ideas about the world. Nineteenth …

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Feminized Justice

Feminized Justice

The Toronto Women’s Court, 1913-34
by Amanda Glasbeek
also available: Paperback Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : gender & the law, post-confederation (1867-), legal history, courts, non-classifiable

In 1913, Toronto launched Canada’s first woman’s police court. The court was run by and for women, but was it a great achievement? This multifaceted portrait of the cases, defendants, and officials that graced its halls reveals a fundamental contradiction at the experiment’s core: the Toronto Women’s Police Court was both a site for feminis …

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Boarder Patrol

Boarder Patrol

by Erin Thomas
1 rating
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : winter sports, law & crime, non-classifiable

Ryan is determined to be a professional snowboarder but he's learned from what happened to his whistle-blower father that doing the right thing doesn't always pay off.

When his parents leave Kamloops, Ryan decides to stay with relatives so he can be near the Salmon Valley Ski Resort. He spends all his time at the ski hill, volunteering with the Jun …

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by Eric Walters
also available: Hardcover Paperback Paperback
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : school & education, law & crime, non-classifiable

The principal announces that the school is implementing uniforms, and Ian finds himself caught in a conflict.

Julia, the student body president and Ian's friend, wants Ian to devise a plan to fight the decision, but the principal is determined to convince Ian the uniforms are a good idea. Ian doesn't see the problem with uniforms and wants nothing t …

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by Frieda Wishinsky
also available: Hardcover Audiobook
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : self-esteem & self-reliance, friendship, non-classifiable

It's hard enough for Eve to adjust to a new high school without the extra weight she's gained over the summer.

Her best friend is ashamed to hang out with her, and she's become the focus of a schoolmate's cruelty. Determined not to be "that pathetic fat girl" at school, Eve struggles with a diet and forces herself to join a mentoring program. The di …

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by Lesley Choyce
also available: Hardcover
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : extreme sports, friendship, non-classifiable

Josh knows he's riding recklessly when he knocks down the old man he suspects is the hermit of Loggerman Creek.

Josh is shocked when the hermit walks into the forest with his bike after the accident. Being without his beloved bike for a week motivates him to hike into the woods and confront the crazy old man. The hermit, Jonathan, has fixed Josh's b …

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Bear Market

Bear Market

by Michele Martin Bossley
also available: Hardcover Paperback
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : mysteries & detective stories, activism & social justice, non-classifiable

While volunteering at the local zoo, Robyn, Nick and Trevor learn that grizzly bears are being poached.

The bears' gallbladders are being removed for use in alternative medicine. Always ready to solve a mystery, the kids set out to find the poachers. Bear is not only big game, they learn, but big money to poachers. The stakes are high and the suspec …

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Dog Walker

Dog Walker

by Karen Spafford-Fitz, read by Michael Agostini
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 8
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : dogs, self-esteem & self-reliance, non-classifiable

Turk needs cash, but he's allergic to his own sweat, so getting a job is out of the question.

Then Turk makes an important discovery: Girls love dogs. And Turk's friends will do anything to meet girls. So Turk starts a dog walking business. His friends walk the dogs and Turk collects half the money. In an attempt to impress dog-loving Carly, Turk br …

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I See Me

I See Me

by Margaret Manuel
3 ratings
age: 1 to 3
Grade: p
Reading age: 1 to 3
tagged : senses & sensation, native canadian, non-classifiable

Eating and sleeping are two popular pastimes for babies, but that's not all they do. I See Me provides a tender snapshot of what a child’s day—or hour—might look like. Each adorable image includes an English caption with space below for parents to translate the word into their own language.

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Razor's Edge

Razor's Edge

by Nikki Tate
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : equestrian, mysteries & detective stories, non-classifiable

Travis and his best friends Ryan and Jasper live for the thrill of watching their horses race.

When a thief starts hacking off the tails of Standard-bred horses stabled at Blackdown Park, suddenly the track isn't such a great place to hang out. Things get even more unpleasant when a troubled girl comes between Travis and his friends. Travis has to m …

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Oil King Courage

Oil King Courage

by Sigmund Brouwer
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : hockey, mysteries & detective stories, non-classifiable

When the Edmonton Oil Kings discover that Reuben Reuben has a hockey game as unforgettable as his name and his Inuit heritage, life changes in a hurry for him and his best friend Gear.

A wealthy businessman sponsors a three-on-three pond-hockey tour across the western Arctic, and Reuben and Gear find out more than they ever bargained for about team …

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Junkyard Dog

Junkyard Dog

by Monique Polak
also available: Hardcover Paperback
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : dogs, law & crime, non-classifiable

Justin is fascinated with the aged guard dog at the corner store.

Justin names it Smokey and sneaks the dog treats. Smokey belongs to a company that supplies working dogs to local businesses. Justin is thrilled to get a job working for Smokey's company, until he learns about the mistreatment of the animals. When Justin can't shake his suspicion that …

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