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list price: $17.95
category: Non-classifiable
published: Jun 2011
publisher: Douglas & McIntyre

oddball @ large

by Bill Richardson

tagged: non-classifiable

Bill Richardson's fans will find much to delight them in this collection of the very best of his weekly columns -- until now available only to readers of Vancouver newspapers.

Many of these wry, self-mocking pieces are drawn from his own haphazard encounters with parents, pets, lovers, gal pals, total strangers and intractable objects. Others are spun from the fancies and figments of his nimble and mischievous imagination. All of them display a relish for oddities, an eye for irony and a wickedly witty way with words.

Bill Richardson's popular books about the Bachelor Brothers have been described by Publishers Weekly as a combination of Northern Exposure and A Year in Provence.

This is a new release of the book published in March 1998.

About the Author
Bill Richardson, winner of the Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour and former CBC Radio personality, is the author of numerous books for both adults and children, including plays, poetry, and fiction.

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