9781894778572_interior Enlarge Cover
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list price: $25.95
category: Children's Fiction
published: Sep 2007
publisher: Theytus Books

Yamozha and His Beaver Wife / Yamǫǫzha Ey|ts’ǫ Wets’èkeè Tsa

as told by Vital Thomas, illustrated by Archie Beaulieu, translated by Mary Siemens

tagged: native american

A powerful medicine man, Yamozha is prominent in many Dene stories. In this vividly illustrated legend, Yamozha forgets a promise to his wife and she transforms into a giant beaver. Determined to turn her back into a woman, he sets off in search of her, but his efforts are in vain because she does not wish to be caught. According to the legend, Yamozha's passionate pursuit forever changed the landscape and created many of the striking natural features of the Tli cho region.

Written in English and Dogrib.

About the Authors
Vital Thomas passed the story of Yamozha and His Beaver Wife to June Helm, who spent much of her life studying the Dogrib people. Storytelling has been part of Dene life for centuries, and the story of Yamozha and His Beaver Wife is well known to the Dogrib people.

Tlicho artist, Archie Beaulieu, from Behchoko, Northwest Territories considers his art a continuation of his Dene culture, passed down to him by his grandmother. Archie's spiritual, abstract style of painting has gained him national and international recognition. His originals can be found in the collections of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and Pope John Paul II.

Tlicho artist, Archie Beaulieu, from Behchoko, Northwest Territories considers his art a continuation of his Dene culture, passed down to him by his grandmother. Archie's spiritual, abstract style of painting has gained him national and international recognition. His originals can be found in the collections of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and Pope John Paul II.
Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
6 to 8
1 to 3
Reading age:
6 to 8
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