9781926890128_interior Enlarge Cover
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list price: $12.95
category: Children's Fiction
published: Feb 2016
publisher: Tradewind Books

Where Are You Little Red Ball?

by Patricia Côté, illustrated by Yayo

tagged: colors, toys, dolls, puppets, imagination & play

Where Are You Little Red Ball follows the adventures of a runaway ball. Charming illustrations by Yayo are a delight for very young children and parents alike.

About the Authors

Patricia Côté was born in Trois-Rivières, Quebec. This is her first picture book.

Yayo es un galardonado artista e ilustrador de libros para niños. Ha sido finalista dos veces del prestigioso premio del Gobernador General de Canadá y ha recibido, entre otros premios, el Christie's Book Award, y el Charles Biddle Award por su contribución excepcional a la vida cultural de Quebec. Originario de Colombia, Yayo vive en Montreal, Quebec.

Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
0 to 2
Reading age:
0 to 2
  • Joint winner, Canadian Children’s Book Centre Best Book
  • , Cooperative Children’s Book Centre Best Book
Editorial Reviews

"This deceptively simple-looking book challenges its young audience to conceptualize transformation and identity...It's a tremendously sophisticated conceit for a board book, but toddlers will see how one basic shape—a circle—can be found in many different contexts, and the second-person address can help lay the groundwork for understanding individuation later on. A simple book paves the way for complicated concepts."

— Kirkus Reviews

"A simple book (that) paves the way for complicated concepts.”

— Kirkus Reviews
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