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list price: $14.95
category: Poetry
published: Jan 2000
publisher: Oolichan Books

Water Stair

by John Pass

tagged: canadian
About the Author

John Pass’s poems have been published in Canada, the US, the UK, Ireland and the Czech Republic. He is the author of twenty books and chapbooks, most notably the quartet AT LARGE, comprised of The Hour’s Acropolis (Harbour, 1991), Radical Innocence (Harbour, 1994), Water Stair (Oolichan Books, 2000)—shortlisted for the Governor General’s Award—and Stumbling in the Bloom(Oolichan Books, 2005)—winner of the Governor General’s Award. crawlspace, from Harbour in 2011, won the Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize. Forecast: Selected Early Poems (19701990), appeared in 2015. He lives with his wife, writer Theresa Kishkan, near Sakinaw Lake on BC’s Sunshine Coast.

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