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category: Nature
published: Apr 2013
publisher: Douglas & McIntyre
imprint: Greystone Books

Upcycle, The

by William McDonough & Michael Braungart

tagged: environmental conservation & protection, sustainable development

The eagerly awaited follow-up to Cradle to Cradle, the most consequential ecological manifesto of our time.

Drawing on the lessons of ten years of putting the cradle-cradle concept into practice, William McDonough and Michael Braungart envision the next step in the solution to our ecological crisis: We don't just reuse resources with greater efficiency; we actually improve them as we use them. We get past focussing on how to mitigate the damage we do and figure out how much better we can make things.


McDonough and Braungart want to turn on its head our very understanding of the human role on earth: We are not just here to protect the planet from ourselves, but to redesign our activity to improve the planet. And that goal is well within our reach.

About the Authors
William McDonough is an American architect and founding principal of William McDonough + Partners. Time magazine has called him a Hero of the Planet.

Michael Braungart is a German chemist. Together they co-founded McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry, and in 2002, they co-authored Cradle to Cradle, which has sold 285,000 copies in North America.

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