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list price: $14.95
category: Children's Nonfiction
published: Jun 2001
publisher: Douglas & McIntyre

Up Close: Skin That Slimes and Scares

by Diane Swanson


Furry or spiny, thick and rough or smooth and slick: sometimes it's necessary to look just skin-deep! That's because skin itself is one of the most important parts of our and animals' bodies. In fact, creatures of the wild have an amazing selection of "natural coverings." Go up close as never before and see just how unusual skin can be. Each elephant has wrinkles in its lower leg as unique as a human's fingerprints. The grooves in the Australian thorny devil's flesh actually help it drink. Hippo's dense skin weighs one-fifth its entire weight--so it keeps this big animal safe from the sun. The bat's rubbery flesh allows it to swoop and fly, while the African armadillo lizard (and the porcupine too) has prickly scales that protect it. Skin that's armored, slimy, alarming, tasty, scary, and perfect for a disguise: you'll find out about it all!

About the Author
Diane Swanson is an award-winning writer of more than 70 books for children, especially nature and science. Originally from Alberta, she now resides in Victoria, British Columbia. She writes a bug column for YES magazine and is buggy about bugs.

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