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also available: Paperback eBook
category: Political Science
published: Mar 2012
publisher: UBC Press

Two Mediterranean Worlds

Diverging Paths of Globalization and Autonomy

edited by Yassine Essid & William D. Coleman, translated by Käthe Roth

tagged: globalization, economic policy

Why are globalizing processes unevenly distributed between poor and wealthy countries? What effect do these disparities have on the lives of ordinary people? The contributors to this volume find answers to these questions in the Mediterranean, a region divided between the wealthier nations of the north shore and their poorer neighbours to the south. The divergent histories, economies, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, education systems, and political structures of these two regions lead to explanations not only for uneven globalization but also for the wave of demonstrations that have sparked unrest in North Africa and the Near East.

About the Authors

Yassine Essid

William D. Coleman is a professor of political science at McMaster University.

William D. Coleman is a professor of political science at McMaster University.
Contributor Notes

Yassine Essid is an expert on the history of Islamic economic thought and on the history and place of Islam in North Africa and the Middle East. William D. Coleman has overseen the writing of the books in the Globalization and Autonomy Series. He carries out research on different theories about globalization and on global governance.


Contributors: Mongi Bahloul, Samouel Béji, Houda Ben Hassen, Almudena Hasan Bosque, Lotfi Bouzaïane, Abdeljabbar Bsaies, Faika Charfi, Hachmi Dhaou, Yassine Essid, Sonia Fellous, Amado A. Millán Fuertes, Nizard Jouini, Rulof Kerkhoff, Myriem Lakhoua, Latifa Lakhdhar, Jihen Malek, Paula Durán Monfort, Rim Ben Ayed Mouelhi, Olivia Orozco de la Torre, Fatma Sarraj, François Zabbal, and Sameh Zouari.

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