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also available: Paperback
category: Children's Fiction
published: Apr 2020
publisher: Orca Book Publishers

Tú eres tú

by Richard Van Camp, illustrated by Julie Flett, translated by Lawrence Schimel

tagged: new baby, poetry (see also stories in verse), nursery rhymes

Richard Van Camp, cuentacuentos renombrado internacionalmente y el autor de bestsellers como los libros Welcome Song for Baby y We Sang You Home, ha unido fuerzas con la galardonada ilustradora Julie Flett para crear un libro tierno en cartoné para los lectores más pequeños que honra el niño que hay en todo el mundo. Con sus ilustraciones contemporáneas y encantadoras, Tú eres tú es perfecto para ser compartido o leído a todos los seres pequeños en su vida–¡e incluso con los pequeños que vienen de camino!

About the Authors

Richard Van Camp

Born in Fort Smith, NWT, bestselling author Richard Van Camp is a member of the Dogrib (Tłįchǫ) Dene Nation. A graduate of the En’owkin Centre’s writing program in Penticton, BC, he completed his BFA in writing at the University of Victoria and received an MFA in creative writing from the University of British Columbia. His work has won many awards and honours, among them the Blue Metropolis First Peoples Literary Prize and the title of Storyteller of the Year from the Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers and Storytellers.

Julie Flett is a Swampy Cree and Red River Métis artist and author. She studied fine arts at Concordia University in Montreal and Emily Carr University of Art + Design in Vancouver, British Columbia. She won the Governor General’s Award for Children’s Literature for her work on When We Were Alone by David Robertson, and her book Birdsong won the TD Canadian Children’s Literature Award and was shortlisted for the Governor General’s Award. She is the three-time recipient of the Christie Harris Illustrated Children’s Literature Award for Owls See Clearly at Night: A Michif Alphabet, Dolphin SOS and My Heart Fills With Happiness.

Lawrence Schimel writes in both Spanish and English and has published over 120 books as author or anthologist in a wide range of genres, including fiction, poetry, graphic novels and children’s literature. He has twice won a Lambda Literary Award and has also won a Crystal Kite Award from the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, a White Raven from the International Youth Library in Munich, and has been chosen for IBBY's Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities three times. Lawrence is also a prolific literary translator. He lives in Madrid, Spain, where he founded the Spanish chapter of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators and served as Regional Advisor for five years.

Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
0 to 2
Reading age:
0 to 2

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