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list price: $125.00
also available: Paperback
category: Political Science
published: Jan 2013
publisher: UBC Press

Treaty Talks in British Columbia, Third Edition

Building a New Relationship

edited by Christopher McKee

tagged: colonialism & post-colonialism, native american studies, indigenous peoples

This updated edition of Treaty Talks in British Columbia traces the origins and development of treaty negotiations in the province and includes a postscript, co-authored with Peter Colenbrander, that provides an extensive overview of the treaty process from 2001 to 2009. The authors outline the achievements of and challenges for the treaty process and review some of the most recent jurisprudence affecting Native and non-Native rights. They also reflect on the growing number of initiatives outside the treaty process to achieve reconciliation between First Nations and the Crown and raise questions about the future relationship between these initiatives and treaty negotiations. Succinct and informative, this book brings clarity to a complex and often contentious issue.

About the Author

Christopher McKee

Contributor Notes

Christopher McKee is a former political scientist at the University of British Columbia and currently Chairman of Gavea Emerging Markets Corporation. Peter Colenbrander joined the BC Treaty Commission in 1995. From 2001 until his retirement in 2008, he was the manager of the Commission’s facilitation and monitoring activities.

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