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list price: $14.95
category: Fiction
published: Aug 2009
publisher: Arsenal Pulp Press

The Videographer

by Jason Rapczynski


A New York film school dropout falls into a job setting up spycams, porn shoots, and street fights for a shady underground video producer. His plans to escape the low-brow underbelly of the webcast world go awry, however, when a young runaway claiming to be his daughter arrives at his door, triggering a series of events eerily similar to a movie script he wrote years earlier, making him grow suspicious of the girl's story and doubtful of her agenda. While his life begins to unravel, he furiously seeks the truth about the girl, her missing mother, his increasingly sinister boss, and his own uncertain identity.

The Videographer is a satirical and fast-moving look at the con-runners, lost souls, web-addled stunt junkies, and open-hearted dreamers of the digital generation.

Winner of the 31st annual International 3-Day Novel Contest (www.3daynovel.com), held every Labor Day Weekend on laptops and writing pads all over the world.

About the Author
Jason Rapczynski
Jason Rapczynski is a writer, rare book dealer and one-time radio copywriter living near New Haven, Connecticut. This is his first novel.

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