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list price: $19.95
category: Fiction
published: Nov 2013
publisher: Caitlin Press

The Promise of Rain

A Prisoner of War Returns to His Family Hiding a Secret That Could Tear Them Apart

by Donna Milner

tagged: literary

Ethie Coulter was born after her father Howard returned from the war in 1945. She never knew him as he was before, never knew that he had been an open, loving man and a devoted husband. When his wife dies in bizarre circumstances, Howard must take on the burden of looking after eleven-year-old Ethie and her two older brothers. Why, Ethie wonders, is he so silent and withdrawn? Howard Coulter was one of two thousand Canadian soldiers sent to the Far East a month before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. Surviving the fierce battle for Hong Kong, he became a POW, moving from camp to notorious camp, watching his friends die of disease, starvation and worse. Yet Howard carries more than the physical and mental scars inflicted by his captors. Something happened in Hong Kong, a secret that he has carried for nearly two decades. Ethie, inquisitive and fearless, will be the one to work her way towards the truth and help her father come to terms with the past.

About the Author

Donna Milner

Contributor Notes

Donna Milner was the author of four novels, including Somewhere In-Between, A Place Called Sorry, After River, an internationally acclaimed novel published in twelve countries and translated into eight languages, and The Promise of Rain, which was a Globe and Mail top 100 pick for 2010.
Born Donna Jonas in Victoria, BC, Donna spend her childhood in Vancouver. As an adult she relocated to the town of Rossland in the heart of BC's West Kootenay, and ten years later moved to the central interior city of Williams Lake. She lived her later years in an off-the-grid, eco-friendly lakeside home in the Cariboo woods with her husband, Tom, and their dog, Beau.

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