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also available: Paperback Hardcover
category: History
published: Dec 2010
publisher: UBC Press

The Information Front

The Canadian Army and News Management during the Second World War

by Timothy Balzer

tagged: world war ii, canada, post-confederation (1867-), media studies

In wartime, capturing the hearts and minds of the citizenry is arguably as important as victory on the battlefield. The Information Front explores the Canadian military’s use of public relations units to manage news during the Second World War. These specialized units were responsible for providing sufficient and positive news coverage to Canadians at home. This fascinating study traces the transformation of an emergent PR organization into an efficient publicity machine. It also scrutinizes news coverage and PR activities during major Canadian operations at Dieppe, Sicily, and Normandy to reveal how the military used censorship and propaganda to rally support for the war effort.

About the Author

Timothy Balzer

Contributor Notes

Timothy Balzer has taught at the University of Victoria and for the Continuing Studies Division of the Royal Military College of Canada.

Editorial Reviews

A thorough, balanced, and thoughtful examination of how the Canadian Army used censorship and propaganda to rally Canadians behind World War II.

— Journalism History, 37:2 (Summer 2011)

A well-researched and well-thought out study of how the Army’s public relations apparatus functioned during the greatest war in Canadian history … Balzer’s is a most interesting book, a fine academic study that deserves a wide readership.

— Canadian Military Journal, vol. 12, no. 2, Spring 2012

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