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list price: $21.95
category: Poetry
published: Oct 1999
publisher: Arsenal Pulp Press

Swallowing Clouds

An Anthology of Chinese-Canadian Poetry

edited by Andy Quan & Jim Wong-Chu

tagged: canadian

Work by writers of Chinese-Canadian heritage have achieved international success: this includes books by Wayson Choy, SKY Lee, and Denise Chong, as well as the acclaimed anthology of Chinese-Canadian fiction, Many Mouthed Birds. Swallowing Clouds collects the work of some of the most vibrant and exciting Chinese-Canadian poets working today, being the first poetic anthology ever published in book form. The collection evokes the spirit and sentiment of the Chinese-Canadian community, representing a diversity of language and style that speak to issues of ethnicity and culture while forging new and exciting paths of their own.
Swallowing Clouds includes poems by a number of well-known writers as well as fresh new poetic voices,forming an eloquent and fiery portrait of the Chinese-Canadian experience.
CONTRIBUTORS: Marisa AnLin Alps, Louise Bak, Lien Chao, Ritz Chow, Glenn Deer, Sean Gunn, Jamila Ismail, Gaik Cheng Khoo, Lydia Kwa, Larissa Lai, Laiwan, Fiona Lam, Jen Lam, Evelyn Lau, Pei Hsien Lim, P.K. Leung, Andy Quan, Goh Poh Seng, Thuong Vuong-Riddick, Fred Wah, Rita Wong, Jim Wong-Chu, Kam Sein Yee, Paul Yee.

About the Authors

Andy Quan was born in 1969 in Vancouver, British Columbia, a third-generation Chinese-Canadian and fifth-generation Chinese-American with roots in the villages of Canton. His short fiction has appeared in many anthologies and is collected in his first book of short stories, Calendar Boy (New Star Books, 2001). He is co-editor and a contributor to Swallowing Clouds: An Anthology of Chinese-Canadian Poetry. Andy is a singer and songwriter, and had a featured acting role in Canadian video-maker Richard Fung's Dirty Laundry. After living in Toronto, London, and Brussels, Andy is currently living in Sydney, Australia where he works for the Australian Federation of AIDS Organizations.

Jim Wong-Chu was born in Hong Kong, brought to Canada as a "paper son" and was raised by various aunts and uncles as part of the Chinese-Canadian cafe landscape. A founding member of the Asian Canadian Writers Workshop, he has been a community organizer, historian, radio broadcaster and part-time journalist. He is now a letter carrier in Vancouver. He has published a book of poetry, Chinatown Ghosts.
Editorial Review

Expertly edited . . . an important and timely book.
-This Magazine

— This Magazine
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