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list price: $14.99
also available: Paperback
category: Young Adult Fiction
published: Oct 2019
publisher: ChiZine Publications
imprint: ChiTeen


by E. L. Chen

tagged: dark fantasy, horror, magical realism

Dark fantasy novel by an Asian-Canadian. Flip-book featuring two full 80K+ novels (two covers, linked narratives). Second book for CZP. Lives in Toronto, Ontario.

About the Author

E. L. Chen

E. L. (Elaine) Chen’s short fiction has been featured in anthologies such as Masked Mosaic, The Dragon and the Stars and Tesseracts Fifteen, and in magazines such as Strange Horizons and On Spec. Her first novel, The Good Brother, was released in 2015. Her second book, Summerwood/Winterwood, will be out in late 2019. She lives in Toronto with her son and a requisite cat.

Contributor Notes

E. L. (Elaine) Chen’s short fiction has been featured in anthologies such as Masked Mosaic, The Dragon and the Stars and Tesseracts Fifteen, and in magazines such as Strange Horizons and On Spec. Her first novel, The Good Brother, was released in 2015. Her second book, Summerwood/Winterwood, will be out in late 2019. She lives in Toronto with her son and a requisite cat.

Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
14 to 18
8 to 12
Editorial Review

Praise for E. L. Chen


Summerwood/Winterwood will beguile readers with its dark vision of a Narnia-like land, populated with real, damaged people. These wonderful tales explore how stories serve the teller, and the roles they force upon the unwitting.”
—Kate Blair, author of Transferral, Tangled Planet and The Magpie’s Library


“An eerie, textured nightmare tapestry of regret and healing, The Summerwood duology undoes the stitches of children’s fantasy with the verve of The Magicians—and makes them new again with the compassion of Seanan McGuire’s Wayward Children.”
—Leah Bobet, multi-award-winning author of An Inheritance of Ashes


“The Summerwood duology delivers a gut punch to Narnia while also serving as a bleak, brittle coming-of-age story. Chen takes the reader on a journey into a fantasy world that is never a space of safety or triumph but that still, in its own way, offers a means of escape.”
—Kari Maaren, award-winning author of Weave a Circle Round


“I enjoyed reading The Good Brother and highly recommend it to anyone who likes horror, YA novels with paranormal themes, or who wants something new in a ghost story.”
—Lesley Donaldson, author of The Queen’s Viper

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