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category: Art
published: Jul 2000
publisher: Douglas & McIntyre

Spirits of the Water

Native Art Collected on Expeditions to Alaska and British Columbia, 1744–1910

edited by Steven Brown

tagged: canadian, native american studies

The images in the pages of this book -- animal, human and spirit faces -- evoke the powerful cultural legacy of the inhabitants of the Northwest Coast. Spirits of the Water presents 110 examples of the art produced by the Native peoples of a region of great linguistic, cultural and geographical diversity. Six essays by leading experts Paz Cabello, Ieoncio Carretero Collado, Alberto Costa Romero de Tejada and Bill Holm establish a historical and cultural context for this remarkable assemblage of objects, and explore the traditions of art, social organization and ceremony that inspired their makers.

About the Author

Steven Brown

Steven C. Brown is former associate curator of Native American art at the Seattle Art Museum. He is the author of Native Visions: Evolution in Northwest Coast Art from the Eighteenth through the Twentieth Century and Sun Dogs and Eagle Down: The Indian Paintings of Bill Holm.

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