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Seeds presents an intelligent portrait of farming and scientific communities in conflict. Part courtroom drama and part social satire, Seeds documents the 2004 Supreme Court of Canada showdown between Saskatchewan farmer Percy Schmeiser and biotech multinational Monsanto Inc. In question is the legitimacy of patenting genetically modified food crops. The play takes us back to the seminal moment when a single farmer stood up to international agribusiness and almost won. Large ensemble cast.
Annabel Soutar is the artistic director of Porte Parole, a Montreal theatre company dedicated to creating and producing original documentary plays about contemporary social and political issues. Her first play, Novembre, debuted in 2000. Since then she has written 2000 Questions (2002) and contributed to Sante! (2003), a seven-part documentary series about Quebec’s health care system. Her more recent docudrama, Sexy béton (Sexy Concrete) (2009/2010), explored the collapse of the de la Concorde overpass in 2006 and the culture of corruption in Quebec’s construction industry. Sexy béton was named a finalist for the prestigious French playwriting award Le Prix Michel-Tremblay in 2011.
“Soutar has done such a good job sowing the seeds of doubt that you wonder if this is nothing more than passionate rhetoric. Her play gives us plenty to think about, but leaves us to make up our own minds.”
—Globe and Mail
“… one of the most impressive docu-dramas I’ve seen.”
—National Post
“Seeds is great journalism, and even better theatre.”
—Montreal Gazette
“Seeds has all the ingredients of a rile-you-up and make-you-think humdinger of a story.”