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list price: $16.95
category: Fiction
published: Sep 1993
publisher: Arsenal Pulp Press


An Anthology of Gay Male Prose

edited by Dennis Denisoff

tagged: gay, anthologies (multiple authors)

The first anthology of gay male prose ever published in Canada, acknowledging the dynamic growth of innovative and politically concerned writing from Canada's gay male community. The AIDS crisis and its devastating effects on the gay community have politicized and invigorated gay culture beyond the spectre of sexuality. The gay community has responded to these challenges with rage and defiance. Queeries provides eloquent evidence of this rage. Includes works by Jeff Kirby, Stan Persky, David Watmough, and others. Dennis Denisoff is the author of Dog Years and Tender Agencies.

About the Author

Dennis Denisoff's fiction and poetry has appeared in such publications as Writing, Fiddlehead, Canadian Fiction Magazine, and West Coast Line. He has published poetry, Tender Agencies,and a novel, Dog Years and was the editor of Queeries: An Anthology of Gay Male Prose, all published by Arsenal Pulp Press. His novel The Winter Gardeners was published by Coach House Books.

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