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also available: Hardcover eBook
category: Social Science
published: Jan 2014
publisher: UBC Press

On the Outside

From Lengthy Imprisonment to Lasting Freedom

by Melissa Munn & Chris Bruckert

tagged: criminology

From the passage of Bill C-10, with its punitive, tough-on-crime provisions, to sensationalist media accounts of dangerous ex-convicts, it is no wonder that Canada is perceived as a country increasingly taking a hard line on crime. In reality, the vast majority of prisoners who serve out their sentences will never see the inside of a prison cell again. On the Outside explores the post-carceral lives of men who have successfully resettled into the community after serving at least a decade in Canada’s penitentiaries. Exploring the transition from imprisonment to the challenges of resettlement, this book will change the way you think about prisoners and open up the discussion on the perils of tough-on-crime legislation.

About the Authors
Melissa Munn is a professor in the Department of Sociology at Okanagan College.

Melissa Munn is a professor in the Department of Sociology at Okanagan College.
Contributor Notes

Melissa Munn is a professor in the Sociology and Interdisciplinary Studies Departments at Okanagan College. Chris Bruckert is a professor in the Department of Criminology at the University of Ottawa.

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