BC Books Online was created for anyone interested in BC-published books, and with librarians especially in mind. We'd like to make it easy for library staff to learn about books from BC publishers - both new releases and backlist titles - so you can inform your patrons and keep your collections up to date.
Our site features print books and ebooks - both new releases and backlist titles - all of which are available to order through regular trade channels. Browse our subject categories to find books of interest or create and export lists by category to cross-reference with your library's current collection.
A quick tip: When reviewing the "Browse by Category" listings, please note that these are based on standardized BISAC Subject Codes supplied by the books' publishers. You will find additional selections, grouped by theme or region, in our "BC Reading Lists."
In Monster Lunch we dine with Frankenstein, attend a burgoo and a birthday party, meet a grumpy garden dude and slurp hot zoop.
Each poem is followed by an interview with the main character or fascinating facts about food. This collection of yummy, yucky, messy and hot rhyming stories is bursting with rhythmical fun.
"The colourful cover and numerous illustrations should attract independent readers while teachers could use indiviual poems...Recommended."
"Rhyming poems are paired with an interview with the main character or a serving of fascinating food facts. Black-and-white art appears in this collection crafted around a most clever premise."
"Skene's poems and information are enjoyable reads, both funny and informative. They can be read as a book, or poem by poem as time permits; these would be great in a classroom for when the teacher has a few free minutes (before the bell rings or otherwise). Highly recommended."
"A book of six silly poems that students will love to read...Fun and simple to read. Recommended."
"A compilation of six funny, story length rhyming poems...The poems are well-written and fun to read aloud."
"Offering (among other treats) a good-nutrition update on some old Mother Goose poems, Frankenstein's idea of a good feed, and an introduction to the concept of burgoo."