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list price: $37.95
also available: Paperback
category: Social Science
published: Dec 1992
publisher: Douglas & McIntyre

Maps and Dreams

by Hugh Brody

tagged: native american studies, non-classifiable

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About the Author
Hugh Brody is a writer and filmmaker. He is the author of Indians on Skid Row, Inishkillane: Change and Decline in the West of Ireland, The People's Land, Living Arctic and, with Michael Ignatieff, of 1919.
  • Winner, Canadian Historical Association Book of the Year
  • Winner, British Columbia Book Award
Editorial Reviews

"This is a wonderful book, as unique and quietly successful as the way of life it describes."

— Maclean's

"A wonderful book, full of travel and people. Most of all, it is superb anthropology, challenging many of the accepted notions about the lives of hunters."

— Paul Theroux
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