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also available: Hardcover Paperback
category: Children's Fiction
published: May 2021
publisher: Heritage House Publishing

Little Wolf

by Teoni Spathelfer, illustrated by Natassia Davies

tagged: native canadian, self-esteem & self-reliance, prejudice & racism

A young Indigenous girl moves to the big city and learns to find connections to her culture and the land wherever she goes, despite encountering bullies and feelings of isolation along the way.

When Little Wolf moves to the big city with her mom and sister, she has difficulty adjusting to their new life. She misses living close to nature and seeing animals wherever she goes, and she misses fishing with her grandfather and seeing dolphins leaping beside their boat. Most of all, she misses feeling connected to her culture.

At school, Little Wolf has trouble fitting in. Although her class has kids from many different cultures, no one is Heiltsuk, like her. The other kids call her names and make her feel unwelcome. Her only defence is to howl like a wolf so they run away. But this only isolates her further.

Gradually, Little Wolf starts to see the beauty in her new surroundings. She discovers that there is wildlife everywhere, even in the big city. An otter swims beside her as she walks on the seawall. A chickadee chirps in a tree in the big park near her house. And her mother helps her stay connected to their culture by signing them up for beading and dance classes. Despite the difficult start, Little Wolf grows up proud of her background and ready to face the future. This inspiring tale, the first in a trilogy, combines traditional and contemporary Indigenous themes and artwork.

About the Authors

Teoni Spathelfer est membre de la nation Heiltsuk de la côte britanno-colombienne. Depuis l’enfance, elle se passionne pour les récits de sa culture et de celle d’autres peuples du monde. Spathelfer a été agente publicitaire, journaliste radiophonique, animatrice et productrice. Elle est également auteure et compositrice de musique. Son documentaire Teoni’s Dream (Le rêve de Teoni), qui raconte l’expérience de sa mère dans les pensionnats, a été présenté sur les ondes de CBC Radio. Ses photographies, publiées dans divers médias, sont vendues de façon privée. Elle est très fière de ses trois filles et de ses quatre petits-enfants. 

Teoni Spathelfer is a member of the Heiltsuk Nation from coastal BC. Since childhood she has loved immersing herself in her own culture and learning about other cultures around the world. Spathelfer has worked as a publicist; a radio journalist, host, and producer; an arts and music writer; and the author of the Little Wolf Series of picture books. Her documentary Teoni’s Dream, informed by her mother’s residential school experience, has aired nationwide on CBC Radio. Her photography has been featured across various media and sold privately. She has been blessed with three daughters and four grandchildren.

Natassia Davies est artiste et graphiste d’héritage Salish de la Côte et vit à Victoria. Depuis près de dix ans, elle crée des illustrations sur médias traditionnels et numériques, conçoit des identités visuelles et élabore divers outils de communication pour des entreprises, des particuliers et des organismes sans but lucratif. Elle travaille également en collaboration avec des groupes autochtones et des peuples des Premières Nations pour produire des outils éducatifs et des œuvres d’art public. Natassia a contribué à de nombreuses murales autochtones géantes qu’on peut admirer à Sooke et dans le port de Victoria. 

Natassia Davies is a BC-based artist and graphic designer and is of Coast Salish ancestry. For nearly a decade, Natassia has worked traditionally and digitally to create illustrations, develop visual brand identities, and design various other visual communications tools for local businesses, individuals, and non-profits. She is the illustrator of the Little Wolf Series, by Teoni Spathelfer, and she also works with other First Nations Peoples and Indigenous groups to create educational tools and public art pieces. Natassia has collaborated on multiple large-scale Indigenous murals that can be found throughout Sooke and Victoria’s harbour.

Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
4 to 8
p to 3
Reading age:
4 to 8
Editorial Reviews

"...the strength of Little Wolf lies in how it gently moves from personal challenges towards hope and in its unifying thread of pride in one’s culture.... Recommended."
CM: Canadian Review of Materials



"Overall, this is an inspiring contemporary story for all children, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, about a Heiltsuk girl growing up and overcoming obstacles [...] by embracing her culture and ultimately being true to herself and her identity."
Canadian Children's Book News, Winter 2021

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