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list price: $24.95
category: Nature
published: Jan 1995
publisher: UBC Press

Killer Whales

The Natural History and Genealogy of Orcinus orca in British Columbia and Washington State

by Graeme M. Ellis & Balcomb, Kenneth C.

tagged: marine life

The second edition of this bestselling book presents updated results of over twenty-five years of killer whale research in British Columbia and Washington. Intended for both whale enthusiasts and researchers, it contains the latest information on what is known of killer whale natural history and presents a catalogue of close to 300 photographs of "resident" killer whales as well as a genealogical registry that enables readers to identify individual killer whales and their family groups. New in this edition is the latest information on the status and future prospects of west-coast killer whales - how they may be affected by declining salmon stocks, high levels of toxic chemicals in their tissue, and increasing vessel traffic and underwater noise. Whale watchers will particularly appreciate revised suggestions and guidelines on how to view whales in the wild without disturbing them. The authors are active researchers who are widely regarded as the world's foremost authorities on killer whales.

About the Authors

Graeme M. Ellis

Balcomb, Kenneth C.

Contributor Notes

The authors are active researchers who are widely regarded as the world's foremost authorities on killer whales. JOHN K.B. FORD is a marine mammal scientist at the Vancouver Aquarium. GRAEME M. ELLIS is a marine mammal technician at the Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC. KENNETH C. BALCOMB is the director of the Center for Whale Research, Friday Harbor, Washington.

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