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list price: $16.95
category: Fiction
published: Nov 2007
publisher: Theytus Books


A Selection of Young Native Writings

edited by Marilyn Dumont

tagged: anthologies (multiple authors), other

In many native cultures, the young are trained and taught new traditions and skills by the appropriate knowledge and skill keepers. To formalize a new position gained or earned, an initiation ceremony is conducted for the new youth to take their place within the circle of knowledge and skill keepers. Honoring this spirit, and selected by native writing knowledge and skill keepers such as Lee Maracle, Thomas King, Tomson Highway and Marilyn Dumont, Initiations is a gathering of young native writers who have been successful in earning a place in this collective work. Their stories focus on historical events that were personal or of national significance and date as far back as a traditional legend or as recent as the Caledonia land dispute.

About the Author

Marilyn Dumont is of Cree/Métis ancestry. Poet, writer and professor, she teaches with the Faculty of Native Studies and the Department of English and Film Studies at the University of Alberta. Her four collections of poetry have all won either provincial or national poetry awards: A Really Good Brown Girl (1996), green girl dreams Mountains (2001), that tongued belonging (2007) and The Pemmican Eaters (2015). She was awarded the 2018 Lifetime Membership from the League of Canadian Poets for her contributions to poetry in Canada, and in 2019 was awarded the Alberta Lieutenant Governor’s Distinguished Artist Award. She lives in Edmonton, AB.

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