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Offense may often get the glory--but defense is what wins games. Get the inside scoop on this important, but sometimes overlooked, aspect of hockey. Highlighted by 120 full-color action photographs of NHL players in mid-game, and liberally sprinkled with personal tips from luminaries such as Ray Bourque, Chris Chelios, and Scott Stevens, Win with Defense shows you how to master the art of controlling the play and stopping the puck. Playing defense in all three zones, maintaining position, keeping the opposition bottled up, goalproofing your line, skating backwards, and making body contact: every skill young players need to play the game like the NHL greats is broken down into easy-to-understand steps with how-to photos and text. Sean Rossiter, as the writer of nine hockey books--including three in this series--is a real expert on the Subject, and was aided by an advisory panel of coaches from every level of hockey. It's everything that will help up-and-coming players to master both the basic and advanced skills of the game. 64 pages (all in color), 8 x 10.