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list price: $19.95
category: Travel
published: Feb 2009
publisher: RMB | Rocky Mountain Books

High On A Windy Hill

The Story of the Prince of Wales Hotel

by Ray Djuff

tagged: western provinces

Since 1927, sitting atop a knoll overlooking Upper Waterton Lake, the Prince of Wales Hotel has survived floods, fire, gales and even closure. Built for the Minnesota-based Great Northern Railway, the hotel initially provided an oasis for thirsty Americans during Prohibition. Now a national historic site, the lodge receives its rightful tribute in this extensively annotated book. Discover why a US railway would build a hotel in Canada 50 miles from its closest line. Read the nearly impossible saga of the construction site. Uncover the stories of the dedicated people who have worked to preserve and run this classic venue.


Ray Djuff, a former employee of the Prince of Wales Hotel, spent 20 years researching this book, uncovering facts and details long considered lost. Vivid historical photographs bring to life the story of this grand survivor of the golden age of railway resort development.

About the Author

Ray Djuff is a newspaper copy editor with a passion for Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. His interest in the parks was sparked during the four summers he worked at the Prince of Wales Hotel in the 1970s. He has written two other books about Waterton. Djuff lives with his wife, Gina, and two children, Monika and Michael, in Calgary, Alberta.

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