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list price: $24.95
also available: Hardcover
category: Sports & Recreation
published: Dec 2023
publisher: Hancock House

Harvest of Salmon

Adventures in Fishing the BC Coast

by Zoë Landale

tagged: fishing, historical, women, fish

"Harvest of Salmon" is a captivating narrative that charts the journey of a young couple, Zoe and her husband Conde, as they navigate the challenging yet rewarding life of commercial salmon fishing off the British Columbia coast. Beginning as novices with no prior experience in fishing, the couple gradually transforms into skilled professionals. The book details their personal growth and the dynamics of their partnership but also paints a vivid picture of the broader world of commercial fishing. Readers are taken aboard the troller, experiencing the long hours, physical demands, and unpredictable weather that define this arduous profession.

Through their story, Landale offers a window into the soul of the West Coast fishing community, highlighting both the hardships and the deep sense of pride and fulfillment that come from this way of life. Her narrative is enriched with observations about the day-to-day realities of fishermen and provides an authentic portrayal of the West Coast fishing industry as it stood during the time of writing.

Serving as both a personal memoir and a broader cultural document, preserving a way of life that has faced numerous changes. It is a tribute to the resilience and spirit of those who make their living on the sea, and a must-read for anyone interested in the true nature of commercial fishing in Canada.

About the Author

Zoë Landale has published ten books, edited two books, and her work appears in more than fifty anthologies. She taught for fifteen years as a faculty member in the Creative Writing Department at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Vancouver. Her writing has won significant awards in three genres, including first in the Stony Brook University Short Fiction competition, National Magazine Gold for memoir, and first in the CBC Literary Competition for poetry. She now lives and gardens on Pender Island, a southern Gulf island in BC, where she is writing up a storm.

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