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also available: Hardcover
category: History
published: Nov 2011
publisher: UBC Press

Growing Up British in British Columbia

Boys in Private School

by Jean Barman


During the first half of this century, about fifty non-Canadian private boys' schools existed in British Columbia, virtually all of them founded on the principles of private education in Britain and intended to serve the offspring of British settlers. In this book Jean Barman explains the appeal of the British model of education, re-creates the ethos of private school life, and analyzes the effect of these schools on the social fabric of the province.

About the Author
Jean Barman, professor emeritus, has published more than twenty books, including On the Cusp of Contact: Gender, Space and Race in the Colonization of British Columbia (Harbour Publishing, 2020) and the winner of the 2006 City of Vancouver Book Award, Stanley Park’s Secret (Harbour Publishing, 2005). Her lifelong pursuit to enrich the history of BC has earned her such honours as a Governor General’s Award, a George Woodcock Lifetime Achievement Award, a Lieutenant Governor’s Medal for Historical Writing and a position as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. She lives in Vancouver, BC.
Contributor Notes

Jean Barman is a member of the Canadian Childhood History Project centered at the University of British Columbia.

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