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list price: $34.95
category: Nature
published: Jan 2008
publisher: Hancock House

Game Bird Breeders Handbook

Commercial and Ornamental

by Allen OP Woodward & Pran Vohra

tagged: birds

Three of the most imminent researchers in the keeping, rearing, and nutritional studies of pheasant, quail, and partridge have combined their sixty years of experience to produce this handbook of aviculture. An indispensable tool. Upland game birds represent some of the most colorful and attractive birds in the world. Certain species of pheasants, quail, and partridges are raised for their economic importance as birds for sport shooting and as gourmet food items. Millions of these birds are harvested in the wild and on private shooting clubs. Privately owned game bird farms supply the birds that are released at shooting clubs. Some of these birds are also used for populating established or new game bird habitats. Exotic and rare species of game birds are also kept in special aviaries throughout the world, Most bird fanciers are interested only in maintaining exotics for their beauty, but some do recognize the importance of conserving the pure blood lines of species that are threatened by habitat destruction and uncontrolled hunting pressure. Many aspects of husbandry for domestic and exotic game birds are similar, yet there are important differences as to the amount of space needed for breeding stock, method of breeding (mass or pedigree mating), housing, nutrition, and egg care and incubation practices. This book was written for the purpose of updating the most recent methods used to reproduce commercial and exotic species of game birds. The most current methods of egg handling, incubation, nutrition, housing, lighting, and disease control are described for domestic and exotic species of pheasants, partridges, and quail. The authors offer detailed information on genetics, embryo development, artificial insemination techniques, and bird biology that are considered helpful to beginners, experienced game breeders, and bird biologists. This book can be used as a text or reference for college courses in avian or upland game bird management.

About the Authors

Allen OP Woodward

Pran Vohra

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