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list price: $11.95
category: Poetry
published: Jan 1992
publisher: Caitlin Press

Four Realities

Poets of Northern BC

edited by Don Precosky

tagged: canadian

Poems by Barbara Munk, George Stanley, Barry McKinnon and Ken Belford try to dispel the cultural myth that the north is a work hard, die young region with no room for poetry. This first ever northern anthology explores the beauty, tradition and life in the North.

About the Author

Don Precosky

Contributor Notes

Don Precosky is presently the Dean of Arts and Social Services at the College of New Caledonia in Prince George. He is a nationally recognized literary critic and has written many articles for such journals as Canadian Literature in Review, Canadian Poetry, and the Web Journal of Contemporary Canadian Poetry and Poetics. He edited and wrote the introduction to Four Realities, an anthology of four northern writers-Barry McKinnion, Barbara Munk, Ken Belford, and George Stanley.

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