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category: Health & Fitness
published: Feb 2008
publisher: Greystone Books Ltd

Food, Sex and Salmonella

Why Our Food Is Making Us Sick

by David Waltner-Toews


What sex is to interpersonal relationships, eating is to the human-environment relationship: a consummation of humans’ connection to the living biosphere. But while sticking one’s tongue into a new and exciting environment may be an act as old as the planet, it can also lead to some nasty surprises. In this lively look at foodborne illnesses, David Waltner-Toews discusses food-related problems caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites, including death by puffer fish, rollicking tales of tapeworms, neurological problems brought on by ciguatera poison, and that old standby, botulism. He also examines the chemicals and antibiotics that have entered the food supply and the havoc they can wreak. And to help readers stop problems before they start, he offers common-sense solutions to confronting the complicated issue of foodborne disease. His witty approach makes a deadly serious subject accessible to all readers, while never minimizing the risk.

About the Author

David Waltner-Toews is best-known perhaps for his witty columns in Harrowsmith, some of which have been republished in book form. He has worked on a wide range of health, environmental and international development issues, as well as research projects in zoonotic diseases and animal production. His first book was One Animal Among Many. A veterinary epidemiologist, he teaches at the University of Guelph.

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