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list price: $9.99
also available: Paperback
category: Young Adult Fiction
published: May 2018
publisher: Cormorant Books
imprint: Dancing Cat Books

Fifteen Point Nine

by Holly Dobbie

tagged: bullying, sexual abuse), self-mutilation, self-esteem & self-reliance

No one at school knew that fifteen-year-old Aggie and her mother were hoarders until the Idiot Boys. That made her even more a target of bullies than she was before.

At home, aka The Dump, her loneliness and despair are further punctuated by her mother’s alcoholism, neglect, and paranoia.

But Aggie is a warrior and she devises a plan to fight back —–a plan that enlists a few of the other misfits at school. The plan isn’t an easy one, though, and when she is beaten by a group of girls, she finds strength and encouragement from some unlikely sources.

Will it be enough to turn her life around? And will she somehow be able to save her mother, who continues a downward spiral of neglect?

About the Author
Holly Dobbie is a former high school teacher with a heart for the underdog. Her teaching experiences and volunteer work with at-risk youth through the Red Cross Child Abuse Prevention Program has taught her that change is needed at almost every level of the middle and high school environments. She lives with her family in Langley, BC.
Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
13 to 18
8 to 12

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