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list price: $39.95
category: Sports & Recreation
published: Jan 1997
publisher: Hancock House

Fascination with Falcons

A Biologist's Adventures from Greenland to the Tropics

by Dr. William Burnham

tagged: hunting, wildlife, birds

The study of falcons from the Arctic to the Topics and the relationship and understanding gained from them through falconry has provided me with countless opportunities for learning and, occasionally, for adventure. These pages combine biological information about falcons of the Americas and our natural world with stories and events from my field notes and memory. Memories are interesting things. They are life's mental streams and rivers which pool and flow, eventually becoming reservoirs of conscious and subconscious thought. Streams of events and experiences merge to become rivers of associated topics and places, creating lakes and, through time, oceans of memories, knowledge, and, possibly, wisdom. Like a stone tossed into a pool, an event or thought can cause ripples that bring memories of past experiences and emotions to the surface. For some of us, with age, boulders - not stones - are required. The streams and rivers have a few logjams and waterfalls, and sometimes the lakes have more suckers that trout. The real-life experiences reported here are primarily from my early years as a biologist and falconer. I wanted to fish those memories out first, before the water dries up or they are lost in tomorrows. The chapters and sections of the book are arranged geographically and topically, but not necessarily chronologically. After a brief introduction to the true falcons and my fascination with the, the reader travels - as the compass points - north to Greenland. Then moving south, that portion pertaining to falconry is focused in temperate western North America. Experiences with tropical falcons follow, with the final chapter on conservation of falcons, wildlife, and nature. There is also a section suggesting how people can make a positive difference. Finally, I provide more detailed information on the biology and ecology of falcons in a straight-forward manner as an appendix. The information is factual, and is based on my understanding and research. Some stories are humorous (I hope), others are of adventures (and misadventures) as I might recount them to my peers over a drink or around the camp fire. So pull up a chair or a log. A few names may be familiar, but most will not be. The names of people are not changed to protect the innocent, as there are none. We must all be guilty of something - if nothing else, possibly of caring about nature. I hope that in these pages the reader will gain some expanded appreciation of nature and a general understanding of falcons and why men and women have admired, studied, and enjoyed them for millennia. A further reward for the investment of time and thought will be any enjoyment this book bay bring to those who honor me by their reading.

About the Author

Dr. William Burnham

Contributor Notes

Dr. Bill Burnham has drawn upon thirty years of professional and recreational experiences with falcons. He has been the director of the World Center for Birds of Prey since 1984, and has been the Chief Executive Officer for The Peregrine Fund since 1986. He lives in Idaho with his wife and son. N. John Schmitt (illustrator) is a native Californian who has had a lifelong interest in natural history, with an emphasis on birds and drawing. His involvement as a wildlife biologist with both the peregrine falcon and California condor recovery programs, has allowed him considerable experience with wildlife in a broad spectrum of ecological communities throughout many parts of western North America.

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