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list price: $16
category: Fiction
published: Nov 2001
publisher: Anvil Press

Exact Fare Only

Good, Bad and Ugly Rides on Public Transit

edited by Grant Buday

tagged: humorous, anthologies (multiple authors)

We've all had good, bad, and sometimes ugly experiences on public transit. Exact Fare Only is an anthology of real life stories about heading out, heading back, and everything that happened in between, whether the trip was across the country or just across town.

Praise for Exact Fare Only:

"This book should be sold in bus terminals and train stations from coast to coast to coast and required reading for commuters everywhere. Laced with humor and subtle social commentary, Exact Fare Only is a timely portraitof that cramped, public space, otherwise known as the bus, the train or the subway." (Matthew Firth, Front & Centre)

"... the reader ... glimpses rare truths and moments of clarity that we can all see if we look around in our travels. Reading Exact Fare, like in any good journey, I didn't want to step off. Instead, I wanted to see what happened along that road." (The Antigonish Review)

" ... could serve as evidence in a sociologist's study of human behaviour ... " (Quill & Quire)

About the Author
Grant Buday is the author of the novels Dragonflies, White Lung, Sack of Teeth, Rootbound, The Delusionist, Atomic Road and Orphans of Empire, the memoir Stranger on a Strange Island, and the travel memoir Golden Goa. His novels have twice been nominated for the City of Vancouver book prize. His articles and essays have been published in Canadian magazines, and his short fiction has appeared in The Journey Prize Anthology and Best Canadian Short Stories. He lives on Mayne Island, British Columbia.
Contributor Notes

Grant Buday is the author of 'White Lung' and 'A Sack of Teeth'. His story "The Curve of the Earth" won the 2006 'Fiddlehead Magazine' short fiction contest. He lives with his family in the Gulf Islands, B.C., where he does not grow pot.

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