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list price: $300
category: Nature
published: Aug 2013
publisher: Hancock House

Enter the Realm of the Golden Eagle LTD ED

by David H. Ellis

tagged: birds, wildlife, regional

The Limited Edition is limited to 50 signed and numbered copies. Each is leather-bound and comes in a slipcase covered with bonded leather. The spine has five hubs (horizontal ridges beneath the leather to simulate the bundles of thread that, in medieval times, were used to sew signatures together). An eagle feather was hand-painted on the spine. An original watercolor painting of an eagle's head accompanies each copy (and is removable for framing). The pages are guilt-edged, and a medallion (of fine zinc plated with copper, then nickel, then gold) of an eagle in flight is embossed into the leather cover of the book. The medallion was sculpted by the noted artist, Mark Rossi, especially for the book. Because the painted feather and the painted eagle head (both by Dr. Ellis), are each unique, each copy is also unique.

About the Author

David H. Ellis

Contributor Notes

David H. Ellis grew up in eagle country in the Rocky Mountain West and was fascinated by golden eagles from early childhood. His Ph.D. dissertation is a monograph on golden eagle behavior. He has lived in 11 U.S. states and has visited all of them, as well as 50 nations, generally in pursuit of bird (mostly raptor) research. These travels involved work with harpy eagles in Central and South America, bald and golden eagles in Alaska and Canada, and golden eagles in the U.S., Japan, Siberia, and, most of all, Mongolia. His falcon research focused on pallid falcons in Patagonia, saker falcons in Mongolia, and peregrine falcon populations in Arizona. His publications exceed 300 articles, chapters, or books, including three volumes on crane research.

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