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list price: $31.95
also available: Paperback
category: Nature
published: Jan 1992
publisher: UBC Press

Emerging Issues in Forest Policy

edited by Peter N. Nemetz

tagged: environmental conservation & protection

Throughout history, forests have played a central role in the development of human civilization -- providing everything from fuel and structural materials to a multitude of paper products. It is, however, becoming increasingly apparent that the forests and their wealth of resources bear directly upon many of the most pressing social, economic, and environmental concerns of our time. This volume draws together forty of the foremost experts in forest policy to address the diverse range of issues which characterize the intimate relationship between forests and humankind. These include the regional and global environment, timber supply, competitiveness and international trade, social impacts, multiple and competing resource use, and the Third World.

About the Author

Peter N. Nemetz

Contributor Notes

Peter N. Nemetz (editor) is a professor in the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration at the University of British Columbia.

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