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category: Political Science
published: Jan 1994
publisher: UBC Press

Decision at Midnight

Inside the Canada-US Free-Trade Negotiations

by Michael Hart, with Bill Dymond & Colin Robertson

tagged: trade & tariffs, north america

On 2 January 1988, Canada and the United States signed what was then the most comprehensive free trade agreeement the world had ever seen. This book is the story of those FTA negotiations, the preparations for and conduct of the negotiations, as well as the ideas and issues behind them. From their unique perspective as participants, Michael Hart, Bill Dymond, and Colin Robertson capture the drama and the personalities involved in the long struggle to make a free trade deal. They describe the extensive consultations, the turf-fighting among insiders, the innate caution of both politicians and bureaucrats, and the need to cultivate powerful constituencies in order to overcome the inertia of conventional wisdom.

About the Authors

Michael Hart

Bill Dymond

Colin Robertson

Contributor Notes

Michael Hart is Senior Adviser, Trade Policy Studies, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada and Adjunct Professor, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University. Bill Dymond is Canada's Ambassador to Brazil. Colin Robertson is Director General, Communications, in the Department of Citizenship and Immigration.

Editorial Reviews

Insiders' view of free-trade talks excels in outlining why and how ... satisfying story of the persevering little guy winning an even break from his huge, indifferent neighbour.

— The Ottawa Citizen

Loaded with detail about specific issues between the U.S. and Canadian negotiators.

— Globe and Mail

A book written by bureaucrats that is both interesting and easy to read ... as well as an important revealing account of a vital period in our economic history.

— Books in Canada

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