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list price: $100
category: Nature
published: Apr 2005
publisher: Hancock House


Their Biology and Conservation

by Stuart Strahl & Silvia Beaujon

tagged: regional

This book provides 85 chapters and abstracts concerning the conservation, ecology, and evolutionary biology of Cracids, comprising the II and III International Symposiums on Biology and Conservation of the Family Cracidae. We are indebted to the following organizations for publication expenses: The Cracid Specialist Group, Hancock House Publishers, Exxon Volunteer Involvement Fund, and Texas A&M University Neotropical Gamebird Fund. The primary intended audience of this book is field investigators, conservation biologist and those directly involved in managing Neotropical wildlife and protected areas. The articles herein provide a wealth of information which we hope will stimulate further field and captive research, status surveys and conservation action where needed. For this reason, it is only fitting that the document be trilingual: abstracts are in English, Spanish, and/or Portuguese, with the text and abstract appearing in different languages.

About the Authors

Stuart Strahl

Silvia Beaujon

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