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list price: $24.95
also available: Paperback
category: Nature
published: Jan 1986
publisher: Harbour Publishing Co. Ltd.

Coastal Fishes of the Pacific Northwest

by Andy Lamb, photographs by Phil Edgell

tagged: fish, fishing, marine biology

Written by a marine biologist and illustrated in colour by a prizewinning underwater photographer, Coastal Fishes of the Pacific Northwest is the only comprehensive field guide to marine fishes of BC, Washington, and southern Alaska. It is also a useful reference for marine fishes of Oregon and Northern California.

Each fish is identified by its common name, and is illustrated with a full-colour photograph and labelled sketch. Special sections present catching tips for anglers and commercial fishermen; location hints for divers, beachcombers, and pleasure boaters; and cooking ideas for seafood gourmets. The information included in these sections provides a brief but detailed description of each fish's habitat, physical characteristics and behaviour - everything that a fisherman or an amateur naturalist needs to know!

About the Authors

Andy Lamb is a marine naturalist and educator who has worked as both Chief Collector and Education Coordinator at the Vancouver Aquarium, and as a fish culturist with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. He is also an avid SCUBA diver who has been on thousands of dives over the last fifty years. He lives on Thetis Island, BC, where he runs a B&B with his wife Virginia. In 2017 he was appointed to the Royal Canadian Geographical Society's College of Fellows.

Phil Edgell has worked as a fish culturist with Fisheries and Oceans Canada at the Robertson Creek Hatchery on Vancouver Island. His prize-winning underwater photographs have appeared in many publications including Pacific Diver, Western Angling, and Nature Canada.

Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels

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