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list price: $24.00
category: Poetry
published: Nov 2015
publisher: New Star Books

Clean Sails

by Gustave Morin

tagged: canadian, conceptual

The 160 pages of Clean Sails were wrested from dozens of typewriters, some of them hand-modified, through countless thousands of hours of typing over the past half-decade, and informed by Gustave Morin's quarter-century of investigation into the (im)possibilities of concrete poetry. Mr. Morin insists Clean Sails is a volume of poetry; others call it an example of "painting through a typewriter." What is clear is that there has never before been a book like it.

"This is one hell of a ride you won't want to miss." — Derek Pell

About the Author
Gustave Morin's previous New Star title, Clean Sails (2015) is the world's largest volume of typewriter poetry. The Etcetera Barbecue was published in 2006 by BookFug. His 2003 title, A Penny Dreadful, one of the few collage novels ever to appear in Canada, is now scarce. Gustave Morin has also produced twelve short-run books and chapbooks. He lives with his gals, Jenny and Nova, in a small mid-western city on the edge of The Canada.
Contributor Notes

Gustave Morin makes his happy home at The Grove Stand — located on the outer edge of the Sun Parlour of Canada — in the frontier metropolis known as Windsor/Detroit. There he is deeply involved with Common Ground, an art gallery; Media City, a film festival; Imprimerie Espontaneo, a publishing enterprise; and 23 Skidoo!, an independent film ensemble. In addition to his many dark arts, he holds a fireworks operator certificate and is a member in good standing of both CUPE 543 and I.A.T.S.E. local 580. Oi! to the savant garde!

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