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list price: $49.95
category: Nature
published: Mar 2004
publisher: Hancock House

Captive Raptor Management & Rehabilitation

by Richard Naisbitt & Peter DVM Holz

tagged: regional, environmental conservation & protection, reference

This book covers every aspect of the care and rehabilitation of injured or starving raptors, from the initial assessment of the bird's conditioning, training and release. This book covers every aspect of the care and rehabilitation. Captive Raptor Management & Rehabilitation is an international perspective by the worlds leading rehabilitators, zoo curators and falconers on how to hold, medicate, train for hunting and condition for release, the world's raptors. This book covers every aspect of the care and rehabilitation of injured or starving raptors, from the initial assessment of the bird's conditioning, training and release. An indispensable reference for every rehabilitator, falconer, zoo keeper, or aviculturist working with hawks, falcons, eagles, vultures, or owls. Combines the authors' years of experience with the latest scientific data worldwide. This title is generously illustrated throughout with 85 detailed line drawings, and includes over 100 color photos in a 16-page photo section covering such topics as molting and imping, hooded birds, raptor habitat and nesting, flight pens, care of feet and talons, perches and veterinary insights.

About the Authors

Richard Naisbitt

Peter DVM Holz

Contributor Notes

Richard Naisbitt was born in Zimbabwe and developed a passion for raptors from an early age. He worked as a safari guide in the Zambezi valley for 10 years and then as a wildlife officer for the Zimbabwe government. He moved to Australia in 1990 and began a career as a presenter in a free flight raptor display at the famous Healesville Sanctuary. In his career he has actively flown 31 species of raptor and rehabilitated close to 400 individuals. He has a passion for predators and what makes them vulnerable. In his rehabilitation work he has radio tracked 210 raptors amounting to a staggering 2000 hours of post release monitoring. Peter Holz graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1987, spent time in private practice and moved on to working at Whipsnade Wild Animal Park in the UK, before undertaking a three-year residency in zoo and wild animal medicine and pathology at the University of Guelph and Toronto Zoo in Canada in 1994. Since returning to Australia, Peter has been working at Healesville Sanctuary. He also became a Diplomat of the American College of Zoological Medicine in 1995, and a member of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists in 1996. He has developed a strong interest in raptor medicine, particularly orthopedics, with a view to improving current rehabilitation techniques and survival of birds post release. Peter is currently married with two children, and they are diligently watched over by a pair of wedge-tailed eagles.

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