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list price: $49.95
category: Nature
published: Jun 2003
publisher: Hancock House

Captive Birds in Health and Disease

by John E. Cooper & Margaret Cooper

tagged: wildlife, regional

Complete with 48 intricate B&W illustrations, 16 detailed tables, 22 B&W plates, and 32 color plates compiled into a 4 page color photo section. This book seeks to promote closer collaboration between bird-keepers and veterinarians. The emphasis is on maintaining health and preventing disease rather than treating ailments. One section is orientated specifically towards veterinary surgeons and provides information on diagnosis and treatment. Produced in cooperation with the World Pheasant Association.

About the Authors

John E. Cooper

Margaret Cooper

Contributor Notes

John E. Cooper is a veterinary graduate who has kept animals and has been a keen student of natural history all his life. His professional interests include pathology, tropical veterinary medicine and work with wildlife and exotic species. He obtained the Fellowship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for his work on avian diseases. He is the author or editor of books on birds, reptiles, invertebrates and other subjects. His wife, Margaret E. Cooper, who has contributed to this volume, is a lawyer with particular interests in animal and conservation law. They have spent nearly ten years living in Africa, including a period in Rwanda working with the mountain gorillas. Together, they are involved in teaching and conservation projects in various parts of the world.

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