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also available: eBook Paperback
category: Children's Fiction
published: Jun 2006
publisher: Orca Book Publishers

Camp Wild

by Pam Withers

tagged: survival stories, camping & outdoor activities, friendship

Wilf is convinced his parents want nothing to do with him. When he isn't in school, he is left to his own devices or shipped away to camp. But at fifteen, Wilf is adamant that he is too old for summer camp. When his parents ignore his protests and ship him off anyway, he knows how he will get their attention: He will escape from camp by canoe and spend the rest of his vacation alone in the woods, proving to his parents he deserves his independence. His plan begins to unravel when his cabin mate forces Wilf to take him along. Things go from bad to worse when a younger camper follows them and they all end up in a fight for their lives against the unforgiving river.

About the Author

Pam Withers a écrit de nombreux livres de sport et d’aventures pour adolescents, dont plusieurs ont été publiés chez Orca dans la collection Currents. Elle a été trois fois finaliste pour le prix Red Maple remis par l’Association des bibliothèques de l’Ontario et a remporté à deux reprises le Silver Nautilus Book Award. Pam, une ancienne guide de plein air et éditrice, vit à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique.

Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
9 to 12
4 to 7
Reading age:
9 to 12

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